Blog Archives

Begotten Son

“A Son Begotten in the Express Image of the Father’s Person” — A Statement Re-examined.

Is the expression, “BEGOTTEN IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF THE FATHER’S PERSON” applicable ONLY to Christ’s incarnation?

If He had never been born of a virgin and become the Son of Man, would He still have been the SON BEGOTTEN IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF THE FATHER’S PERSON? Or is this expression only a reflection of His humanity as some (Trinitarians ) claim?

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Spirit of Christ

“For through Him
 by one Spirit”

Ephesians 2:18 reads, “For THROUGH HIM we both have access BY ONE SPIRIT unto the Father.” And Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” John 14:6 “except through Me” seems to exclude anyone else…

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Trinity in Adventism

Dudley Canright and the SDA trinity

A request was made that I share the history regarding the role that Dudley Marvin Canright and his criticisms played in the introduction of the doctrine of the trinity within Seventh-day Adventism. The picture above is the inner page of one of his two books and it had an huge impact on the matter. What follows below is a part of the rough draft of my paper about this subject.

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Infinite and from All Eternity

Many trinitarians have used such expressions like “eternity” and “infinite” found in the writings of Ellen White-Spirit of Prophecy and have asserted meaning of words without properly establishing them. This article examines such expressions and will seek to establish their meaning based on their usage both in Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy. It will also assign an appropriate meaning of these expressions as it relate to Christ’s pre-existence and provide some valid reasons as to how these expressions can be compatible with begotten theology which believes in the literal Sonship of Christ.

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A Response to “There Never Was a Time”

This article examines one of the often misunderstood statement by Ellen White found in the book, Evangelism p. 615, which says, â€œthere never was a time when He [Christ] was not in close fellowship with the eternal God.” 


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This article examines one of Ellen White’s statements often quoted by trinitarians to repudiate Christ’s pre-existent Sonship. Trinitarians (SDAs) argue that the expression, “self-existent” taken from the noted statement means that Christ’s life is ingenerate-inherently possessed without origin.

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Holy Spirit

Separate Worship for the Spirit?

The article addresses one of a few manuscripts written by a stenographer where she presumably spoke the following words: “and they fall down and worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Ms 139, 1906)

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