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Only True God

The God of Isaiah 41

Every now and then, someone would use the book of Isaiah to try and prove that God is a Trinity. In effect, these advocates of the Trinity doctrine are saying that the God of Isaiah was a triune one. But is this true? Let us examine.


Who is Elohim in Genesis 1?

Genesis 1:26 ā€œThen God [אֱלֹה֓ים ‘elohiym, elĀ·ÅĀ·hēm’; Strongs H430] said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.ā€

Does this verse mean that there were more than one or rather three Gods (trinity) present in the creation of the world?


Does 1 John Chapter 5:7-8 Prove Trinity?

Does 1 John 5:7-8 teach trinity? Trinitarians often quote these verses as one of the proof texts, claiming that the verse, which says that the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost are one teache one Trinity God… Is this true? What the scripture actually reveals might surprise you.

Spirit of God

Who or what is the ā€œSpirit of the Lordā€ in Isaiah Chapter 40:13-14

It is believed by many that the Holy Spirit is a separate distinct, personal being other than God the Father and the Son, rather than it being the Spirit of God or the Spirit of Christ; meaning their own Spirit.

The reason being, they claim that Scriptures refer to the Holy Spirit as ā€œHe” and is said to be displaying all the attributes of a person and is seemingly doing things that a real person would do.


Is “Another” Comforter another Being?

Is the “ANOTHER” Comforter, whom Jesus said He would send in John 14:16, a different being or Himself in ANOTHER form? Let us take a look at how John used the same word as Christ did and you can decide what Christ meant according to the words of inspiration.

Begotten Son

“I Was Brought Forthā€

In Proverbs Chapter 8 Wisdom is personified…and this Wisdom was brought forth; when there were no fountains…ā€ 1Corinthians 1:24 says, ā€œBut unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, AND THE WISDOM OF GOD.ā€ Note: 1Cor 1:24 refers to Christ as the wisdom of God. Trinitarians insist that ā€œwisdomā€ in Proverbs 8 has no connection with 1Corinthians 1:24…

Spirit of Christ

Who Visited Ellen White?

After reading many of her accounts as to how she was visited by Christ, I pondered how Ellen Whiteā€™s experience might have been no different than the prophets of old and the writers of the New Testament in that they were both inspired by the same Spirit–the Spirit of Christ.


At the Risk of Eternal Loss

Did Jesus risk all for us when He came as a man? This article examines whether or not Jesus risked being separated from His Father for eternity in saving you and I. “…HE COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS AS GOD, BUT BY COMING AS MAN, CHRIST COULD DIE.” (Ellen G. White, Letter 97, 1898, p. 5. To “My Brethren in North Fitzroy,” November 18, 1898) Ellen G White says, Christ could not have died as God, but as a man, He could…meaning, somehow (this is a mystery) Christ was able to die as an incarnate Son…

Only True God

6 Reasons Why I No Longer Believe In A Trinity

As a 6th-generation very committed Seventh-day Adventist, I have believed and even taught the Trinity doctrine for nearly 30 years of my life. Last year I was challenged to examine this doctrine from the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White. What I found was shocking and life-changing…