Blog Archives

Father and Son

“The Father’s life” or “the life of the Son of God”?

Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I would like to take a moment to magnify the Name of the Lord Jesus by giving a short ministry update and then tackle a question that has often confused the saints. The two are going to be related so I will use the ministry update to segue into addressing the question.

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Father and Son

Is Christ’s Life Dependent On The Father?

John 6:57 “As the living Father hath sent me, and I LIVE BY THE FATHER: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. I have heard some non-Trinitarians tell me that John 6:57 is referring to how Christ’s life is always dependent on the Father whether we are talking about his pre-incarnate life or His incarnate life. But is this true?

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Father and Son

Is Jesus Equal with the Father?

Many Christians, including the majority of Seventh-day Adventists, believe that Jesus is equal with God the Father in the absolute sense and that He holds this position inherently by the virtue of being one of the Persons of the Trinity from all eternity as the Second Person of the Godhead.  But is this true? Let’s examine further as to which position Jesus holds in relation to His Father.

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