Articles and Video by Jason Smith
Jason Smith is a valued contributor to As It Reads but he is not directly involved with the operation of the website. Any enquiries to Jason through our contact will be forwarded to him. Follow Jason on Facebook.

God is Not an Essence Pervading All Nature vs. The Sense of God’s Presence Pervading All Nature?
Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I would like to shed some light on a difficult problem that has sometimes bothered the brethren. Several years

Most Abused EGW Quote in Adventism Part 2
See The Most Abused EGW Quote in Adventismn Part 1 HERE There is one last point to make here. Hopefully you have seen, in part

The Most Abused EGW Quote in Adventism Part 1
See The Most Abused EGW Quote in Adventismn Part 2 HERE Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus. This op is my opinion regarding what the

The Omega of Apostasy
The Omega of Apostasy: A spiritualization hermeneutic and making of no effect the Testimony of Jesus via Ellen White. What do I mean by

Let Every Man Judge for Himself
Q: What will happen for all of God’s true people? A: They will come into unity in proclaiming the essential truths that are to be

A Reply to Brother Eugene Prewitt: Part 1
Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I have received a request from the brethren to respond to an article from brother Eugene Prewitt. That article

Understanding John 5
Part 1: The Son of God and Son of man “And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay Him, because He had

Responding to Joel Ridgeway
Hello friends, I thought you might be edified by a communication that I had with Joel Ridgeway. He was a non-trinitarian who became a trinitarian

Common Trinitarian Misrepresentations of SDA History
Hello friends, I am considering to start an op that exposes some of the common distortions of the historical SDA position on the doctrine of

Are Seventh-day Adventists Nicean Trinitarians?
The answer all depends on whom you ask, I suppose, and in what context they are answering. This Sabbath I went to visit a local

Monogenes Huios: The Only Begotten Son
There has been an ongoing debate between myself and a SDA pastor about the proper meaning of the Greek word “monogenes.” He has claimed that its true meaning, one that it supposedly always meant up until the 4th century AD, is “only one of its kind, or unique.”

James White on the Spirit
Responding to such claims that “The pioneers dug for truth as for hidden treasure. James White, Joseph Bates, Hiram Edson, John N. Andrews, and others quarried out the building stones to make the temple…. they found the ineffable mystery of the oneness of God in the Trinity….(A.W. Spalding, “Captains of the Host” pg 214, 1949)