Articles by Jason Smith

Jason Smith is a valued contributor to As It Reads but he is not directly involved with the operation of the website. Any enquiries to Jason through our contact will be forwarded to him. Follow Jason on Facebook.

Not A Son By Creation

If there is one issue, more than any other, that stands between Seventh-day Adventists who believe in begotten theology and Seventh-day Adventists who believe in unbegottenism, it is the definition of “a Son begotten.”

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The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ

The Biblical data completely repudiates the idea that the holy Spirit is not the Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ. While we understand from sister White that the holy Spirit is the 3rd Person of the Godhead, a conscious, distinct personality outside of the tangible forms of Father and Son, It is still the actual Spirit of God and His Son. Any doctrine that says otherwise does not pass the test of inspiration.

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A Reply to Brother David Asscherick

This article was a response to a video clip of pastor David Asscherick answering a question regarding SDA’s trinity doctrine.  In the article, Jason has transcribed brother Asscherick’s quote and replies to its claims.

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What is the Doctrine of the Trinity? Part 1

Approximately 2 weeks ago I received a request from one of the brothers asking for help on behalf of some of the non-trinitarian brethren. This request happened because a pastor gave them a formal letter notifying them that a church board meeting had been called to discuss church discipline against them for the following two reasons:

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What is the Doctrine of Trinity? Part 2-Variants Among Seventh-day Adventist Trinitarians

This article is Part 2 of “What is the Doctrine of Trinty.” In part 1 I discussed what the doctrine of the trinity is according to Christendom. I hope that you were edified by that post. In case you missed it, click HERE.

Hopefully, with everyone on the same page (or at least in the same chapter! Lol!) regarding what this doctrine is and what it means in Christendom at large, we are prepared to move on to discuss the doctrine of the trinity within Seventh-day Adventism. 

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A Question of Sonship: An EGW Compilation

By Jason Smith
Today in Seventh-day Adventism it is taught that the pre-incarnate Father/Son relationship between the 1st and 2nd Persons of the Godhead was just a metaphor. For example: “The term “Son” is used metaphorically when applied to the Godhead” (Angel Rodriguez, “A Question of Sonship” BRI article)

Countless other examples of this type of statement could be given. Yet what does inspiration teach?

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The holy Spirit is Himself divested,…

By Jason Smith
QUESTION OF THE WEEK FOR DISSIDENT SDA ANTI-TRINITARIANS: If, according to you, the Spirit is literally Jesus in person but manifested as another person, which of his “two persons” stripped “himself” of the personality of humanity?? If you say it was the human Jesus, then it is plain Jesus had to have been literally the person of the Holy Spirit while here on earth. But if it was the Spirit person who had remained in heaven who stripped himself of humanity, he too must have become human in order to do that. So which of the “two persons” of the one Jesus, according to you, took off his humanity and came to earth on the day of Pentecost???

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The Death of the Son of God

By Jason Smith
I received a message from one of the brothers asking me to clarify my view on whether Divinity died or not. He explained that he was having some difficulty reconciling EGW’s seemingly opposite statements on the matter. Therefore I am going to share my understanding on the matter now and I will attempt to parse between the SDA trinitarian view (at least as some of our leading men ascribe to it) and a common SDA non-trintarian view.

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The Trinity in Adventism from 1890 Onward

Brother M, You requested that I write a document dealing with the context of all the quotations that brother Danny has placed on his wall. I do not have time to do this. However, what I will do is type a general expose of what some modern SDA pro-trinitarian defenders are guilty of doing. I will use some examples from Danny Laufersweiler’ article and some other sources.

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Is Matthew 28:19 Legitimate or Spurious?

This verse has been legitimately questioned on the basis that nowhere in God’s Word do we see any baptism occurring with this express terminology (i.e. in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost) but only the Name of Jesus (i.e. see Acts 2:38; 8:12, 16; 10:48; 19:5; 22:16; Romans 6:3)

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“The Father’s life” or “the life of the Son of God”?

Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I would like to take a moment to magnify the Name of the Lord Jesus by giving a short ministry update and then tackle a question that has often confused the saints. The two are going to be related so I will use the ministry update to segue into addressing the question.

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Did Ellen White believe and teach Volunteerism?

Did Ellen White teach that the Fatherhood and Sonship of the 1st and 2nd Persons of the Godhead are roles that were entered upon at some distant point in eternity? Did she teach that before this decision was made that the 3 Persons were ambiguous and that any One of Them could have been the Other?

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