Studies | Articles | Letters
Allowing Inspiration to Explain Inspiration on the Third Person of the Godhead by Marcos C. Thaler
Angel Studies with Daniel Mesa
Are We Missing Something Here? — Introduction to the Godhead and the Holy Spirit by Bruce Bivens
Arius Writings-Compiled by Paul Chung
Benjamin G. Wilkinson’s Letter to Dr. D. S. Teters-1936 “Replying to your letter of October 13 regarding the doctrine of Trinity, I will say that Seventh-day Adventists do not and never have accepted the dark, mysterious Catholic doctrine of the Trinity. I refer to their doctrine in which they say that the Godhead consists of three personalities and one essence.”
Book Review: Coming of the Comforter-Review and Comments by Lester Atkins
Deconstructing the three-in-one god doctrine thought process by The Rock Fortress Ministries
Did A. G. Daniels Apostatize? by Sami L Wilberforce
Did Christ Raise Himself? Answering Dr. Phil Mills by Phillip Triebskorn
Did Ellen G. White Change from Non-Trinitarian to Trinitarian? By Blair Andrew
Early Christian Writings-New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Etc.
Ellen White, 1888, and the “Christian Connexion” by Brendan Valiant
Ellen White’s Baptism by Ener Cabangis
Elohim: Plural or Singular? by Nehemia Gordon (non-Adventist)
Is God a Liar? Does God Have a Son? by Blair Andrew
Is the Heavenly Trio a Trinity? by Brendan Valiant
Jesus Christ the Son of God by Elder D. M Canright
Jesus Christ, the Angel? -Historic Compilation by Ryan Tacklin
Misunderstood Texts on the State of the Dead by Stephen Bohr
Office of the Holy Spirit by David Sims
On the Trail of the Serpent – Part 1 by Phillip Triebskorn (Adventist History on Trinity)
Reaping the Whirlwind by Joe Crews
Report of Bible Conference” held in Takoma Park, D.C., July 1-19-W.W. Prescott, A.G Daniels
Review of Glyn Parfitt’s manuscript: “The Trinity, What Has God Revealed” A Collaborative Effort
Seventh-day Adventist 28 Fundamental Beliefs (with final draft notes)
Suggestions on Elder Longacre’s Paper “The Deity of Christ” by R. F. Cotrell
Statement of Belief In the Seventh-day Adventist denomination — 1872-1981 by David Allen
The Deity of Christ by Charles Longacre
The Deity of Christ by Charles Longacre, 1947 — Commentary by Dr. Gary Hullquist
The Divinity of Jesus Christ — compiled by Pioneer Health and Missions
The Eternal and Self-Existent Son of God by Corey McCain
The Generation of the Son by John V. Dahms (December, 1989)
The Great Controversy in Heaven-SDA Historical View by Ryan Tacklin
The Johannine Use of Monogenes Reconsidered by John V. Dahms (1983)
The Lunar Sabbath Uncovered – 119 Ministries (non – SDA)
The Omnipresence of God (Angels-God’s omnipresence) by Stephen Bohr
The Subordination of the Son by John V. Dahms (September, 1994)
The Trinity-Truth or Error by Gregory Stief
The Trinity, What is Revealed in the Bible by Blair Andrew
The Truth About the Trinity – In the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy by Ingo Sorke
Whence Came Satan? Did God Create the Devil? by H. M. Kelly
Understanding Where We Stood (Who is right, the pioneers or the modern SDAs?) by David Allen
Was Waggoner an Arian or Trinitarian by Robert J. Wieland
Who is the Comforter in John 14 by David Allen
Who was Melchizedek? Researched content compiled by Ryan Tacklin
What Did Ellen White Say – A Framework for Studying the Words of Ellen White by Brendan Paul Valiant
When Trinity Doesn’t Mean Trinity by Brendan Valiant
Why I Know the Trinity Teaching is False-An Adventist Perspective by Michael E. Brown, Ph.D