A Reply to Brother Eugene Prewitt: Part 1
Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I have received a request from the brethren to respond to an article from brother Eugene Prewitt. That article
Hello brothers and sisters in Jesus, I have received a request from the brethren to respond to an article from brother Eugene Prewitt. That article
Editorial (Editor: A. O. Tait, Assistant Editor: W. L. Baker)
When the doctrine of the second coming of Christ is mentioned, there are individuals who arise to say that Christ is here now by His Spirit, and therefore we are not to look for His coming again.
By H. M. Kelly
”The real question involved in this controversy is that of the Sonship of Christ. Is He God’s only begotten Son? The answer to this question is the answer to every other spiritual and moral question that can possibly arise.”
New and updated article to the previous article, “Baptism Controversy,” regarding the proper words to be used in the baptismal rites, namely, dealing with the 19th verse of Matthew 28, which said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”