SDA Pioneers' Statements
“And the standard-bearers who have fallen in death, are to speak through the reprinting of their writings. I am instructed that thus their voices are to be heard. They are to bear their testimony as to what constitutes the truth for this time.” — Ellen G. White, Counsels to Writers and Editors {CW 32.1}
Disclaimer: These statements or articles are provided as historical references only and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of AS IT READS.
"Non-Trinitarian" Statements by the pioneers
The list below represents various early Adventist publications wherein, a statement contains either the term “trinity” in a rather negative sense and or expressions (claimed by non-trinitarians) to be conveying “non-trinitarian” concepts.
Charles Longacre on Christ’s Godhood
Ellett Joseph Waggoner 1855 – 1916
Joseph Birchard Frisbee 1816-1882
James Springer White: 1821 – 1881
J. N. Loughborough: 1832 – 1924
Joseph H. Waggoner: 1820 – 1889 (father of E. J. Waggoner)
J. S. Washburn on the Trinity 1939 Letter
The Holy Spirit — Excerpt from “Questions and Answers Vol. I By Milton C. Wilcox, Pacific Press 1911
Merritt E. Cornell: 1827 – 1893
Stephen. N. Haskell 1833 – 1922