A Question of Sonship: An EGW Compilation

A Question of Sonship:

Today in Seventh-day Adventism it is taught that the pre-incarnate Father/Son relationship between the 1st and 2nd Persons of the Godhead was just a metaphor. For example:

“The term “Son” is used metaphorically when applied to the Godhead” (Angel Rodriguez, “A Question of Sonship” BRI article)

Other examples of this type of statement could be given but what does inspiration teach? The following quotes are a compilation from the Spirit of prophecy which reveal to us what Mrs. White’s view of His Sonship was. The headings in bold have been written by myself while the italics in quotes are Mrs. White’s actual wording. I have placed some notes underneath so as to share my understanding of the quote above and/or its implication within the larger system. Please read the following document prayerfully and may the Spirit of God guide you into all truth.

The Son in reality:

“When Christ first announced to the heavenly host His mission and work in the world, He declared that He was to leave His position of dignity and disguise His holy mission by assuming the likeness of a man, WHEN IN REALITY HE WAS THE SON OF THE INFINITE GOD…{Lt303-1903.14}

Note: Does being the Son “in reality” sound like a metaphor or a real thing? We leave it to the reader to decide.

The Son of God in an old and new sense:

“IN HIS INCARNATION HE GAINED IN A NEW SENSE THE TITLE OF THE SON OF GOD. Said the angel to Mary, “The power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”. While the Son of a human being, HE BECAME THE SON OF GOD IN A NEW SENSE. Thus He stood in our world—the Son of God, yet allied by birth to the human race.” {ST August 2, 1905, par. 2}

Note: Many in Adventism today believe that He was not really God’s Son before His incarnation yet if He “gained” the title of Son of God “in a new sense” and “became the Son of God in a new sense” by means of the incarnation then this means that He was the Son of God in an old sense. This is what we are seeking to understand. How was He God’s Son “in reality” before He was begotten as a human? Let’s keep reading.

The Only Begotten Son prior to the incarnation:

“But the Lord’s arrangement, made in council with HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, was to leave men free moral agents to a certain length of probation.” {RH December 21, 1897, par. 4}

“BEFORE THE ENTRANCE OF EVIL there was peace and joy throughout the universe. All was in perfect harmony with the Creator’s will. Love for God was supreme, love for one another impartial. CHRIST THE WORD, THE ONLY BEGOTTEN OF GOD, was one with the eternal Father,—one in nature, in character, and in purpose,—THE ONLY BEING IN ALL THE UNIVERSE THAT COULD ENTER INTO ALL THE COUNSELS AND PURPOSE OF GOD… {GC 493.1}

“In giving His Son, God gave Himself that man might have another trial. If God could have changed this law to meet man in his fallen condition, would He not have done this, AND RETAINED HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON IN HEAVEN?—HE CERTAINLY WOULD. But because His law was as changeless as His character, He gave His beloved Son, who was above law, and one with Himself, to meet the penalty which His justice demanded.” {BEcho February 8, 1897, par. 3}

Note: According to inspiration He was the “only begotten Son” also called “the only begotten of God” before the incarnation. Many more quotes like this, which identify the pre-incarnate Son as the only-begotten, could be shown.

Honor, glory and position given to Christ:

“…Lucifer coveted THE HONOR AND GLORY GIVEN TO CHRIST. He became so self-exalted that he supposed that he could do anything he desired to do because of his high position as covering cherub, and he tried to obtain for himself THE POSITION GIVEN TO CHRIST. But Lucifer fell. He was cast out of heaven; and now he works on human minds, tempting them to follow in his footsteps. He strives to fill minds with feelings of self-exaltation and to lead them to dishonor God by turning from their allegiance to the truth and inventing many things not after God’s order. {Lt55-1903.15}

The pre-incarnate Son received the scepter from the Father’s hand:

“This was a voluntary sacrifice. Jesus might have remained at the Father’s side. He might have retained the glory of heaven, and the homage of the angels. But HE CHOSE TO GIVE BACK THE SCEPTER INTO THE FATHER’S HANDS, and to step down from the throne of the universe, that He might bring light to the benighted, and life to the perishing. {DA 22.4}

Note: Read carefully friends. This is clearly about the Son before He came to this world. Can you “give back the scepter into” someone’s hands if it was not originally given to you by their hands?

The Father invested His Son with authority:

“The great Creator assembled the heavenly host, that he might in the presence of all the angels confer special honor upon his Son. The Son was seated on the throne with the Father, and the heavenly throng of holy angels was gathered around them. The Father then made known that IT WAS ORDAINED BY HIMSELF that Christ should be equal with himself; so that wherever was the presence of his Son, it was as his own presence. His word was to be obeyed as readily as the word of the Father. His Son HE HAD INVESTED WITH AUTHORITY to command the heavenly host…{ST January 9, 1879, Art. B, par. 2}

Note: The quote above really makes it seem like the Son’s equality with the Father is the result of the Father’s will. Supremacy had been given to Christ:

Supremacy had been given to Christ, God’s will appointed Christ as Ruler:

“BEFORE the fall of Lucifer, he aspired for THE SUPREMACY THAT HAD BEEN GIVEN TO CHRIST, who was one with the Father in the government of heaven. There was war in heaven, and Satan and all the rebellious angels he had deceived were overcome. Those who had opposed THE WILL OF GOD IN APPOINTING CHRIST AS THE CHIEF RULER were cast out of the heavenly courts, and since that time they have been warring against the Most High.” {Lt24-1910.4}

The Son of God was next to the great Lawgiver in authority:

“THE SON OF GOD WAS NEXT IN AUTHORITY TO THE GREAT LAWGIVER. He knew that HIS LIFE ALONE could be sufficient to ransom fallen man…{2SP 9.1}

Christ imparted to the angelic family His Father’s high commands:

“….Christ was above all. He was the commander of all Heaven. HE IMPARTED TO THE ANGELIC FAMILY THE HIGH COMMANDS OF HIS FATHER… {3SG 36.1}

Satan knew that Christ had the first place next to God:

“… Satan, knowing that CHRIST HAD THE FIRST PLACE NEXT TO GOD, began to insinuate to the angels that he should be next to God. His great beauty and exalted position made him feel that he was not receiving due honor in being second to Christ. Therefore he would suggest this to the angels, and this suggestion [began] to be communicated to the heavenly angels, and finally [it was] brought before God that Lucifer was the one who should be next to God. Thus the seed was sown and the result was that angels sympathized with Lucifer; next, there was war in heaven. Lucifer’s beautiful appearance was constantly exalted and the Lord God of heaven [saw] that Lucifer and his party were very strong against Christ. {Ms90-1910.4}

The Son of God ruled under God:

“The creation of our world was brought into the councils of heaven. There the covering cherub prepared his request that he should be made prince to govern the world then in prospect. This was not accorded him. JESUS CHRIST WAS TO RULE THE EARTHLY KINGDOM; UNDER GOD He engaged to take the world with all its probabilities. The law of heaven should be the standard law for this new world, for human intelligences… {Ms43b-1891 (July 4, 1891) par. 3}

Note: I had never experienced pastors obfuscate the meaning of “under God” until I shared this quote with them.

The Son, even while sharing the Father’s glory, willingly submitted to Him:

“Christ’s time to show His divine power had not yet come. HE WAS FULLY AWARE OF THE GLORY HE HAD WITH THE FATHER BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. BUT THEN HE WILLINGLY SUBMITTED TO THE DIVINE WILL, and He was unchanged now {BEcho July 23, 1900, par. 6}

Note: Again many in Adventism today do not understand (or want to accept) the hierarchy that exists within the Godhead. It would appear, when it comes to His authority, there is an “equal” yet “next” to God dichotomy that exists with the pre-incarnate Son of God. He is simultaneously equal in authority and next to Him in authority.

The Son received “all things” from His Father who was the Great Source of all. It was “the Father’s life” that flowed through Him to all created beings:

“But turning from all lesser representations, we behold God in Jesus. Looking unto Jesus we see that it is the glory of our God to give. “I do nothing of Myself,” said Christ; “the living Father hath sent Me, and I LIVE BY THE FATHER.” “I seek not Mine own glory,” but the glory of Him that sent Me. John 8:28; 6:57; 8:50; 7:18. In these words is set forth the great principle which is the law of life for the universe. ALL THINGS CHRIST RECEIVED FROM GOD, but He took to give. So in the heavenly courts, in His ministry for all created beings: THROUGH THE BELOVED SON, THE FATHER’S LIFE FLOWS OUT TO ALL; through the Son it returns, in praise and joyous service, a tide of love, TO THE GREAT SOURCE OF ALL. And thus through Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, representing the character of THE GREAT GIVER, the law of life. {DA 21.2}

Note: Many struggle to grasp that it is the Father’s life that was given to the Son (see John 5:26). Thus He possessed life in Himself just like the Father does and it was His own to do with as He pleased but it is still correctly called “the Father’s life” because God is the great Source of all. Thus the Son could say “I live by the Father” even in reference to His pre-incarnate existence “in the heavenly courts.”

Lucifer tried to deceive the Son of God back in heaven with his sophistry:

“…Lucifer was jealous of Christ and this jealousy worked into rebellion and he carried with him a large number of the holy angels. JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, WAS NOT DECEIVED BY LUCIFER’S SOPHISTRY. HE STOOD TRUE TO PRINCIPLE AND RESISTED EVERY LINE OF REASONING OF LUCIFER AND ALL THE ANGELS WHO HAD TAKEN SIDES WITH HIM, THUS EVIDENCING THAT AS HE STOOD, EVERY ANGEL MIGHT HAVE STOOD. {Ms43b-1891 (July 4, 1891) par. 3}

Note: Here we learn that the Son of God was a separate Being from the Father. Lucifer actually tried to convince Him, the Son, to join him in his rebellion! The Son of God was not deceived by the enemy’s sophistry. Now it is very important that we understand what this attempted deception was about. We can learn of it through what satan tried to do when Jesus was incarnated as a human on the earth.

Lucifer tried to deceive the Son of God again when on earth:

“When Satan and the Son of God first met in conflict, Christ was the commander of the heavenly hosts; and Satan, the leader of revolt in heaven, was cast out. Now their condition is apparently reversed, and Satan makes the most of his supposed advantage. ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL OF THE ANGELS, HE SAYS, HAS BEEN BANISHED FROM HEAVEN. THE APPEARANCE OF JESUS INDICATES THAT HE IS THAT FALLEN ANGEL, forsaken by God, and deserted by man. A DIVINE BEING WOULD BE ABLE TO SUSTAIN HIS CLAIM BY WORKING A MIRACLE; “IF THOU BE THE SON OF GOD, command this stone that it be made bread.” SUCH AN ACT OF CREATIVE POWER, URGES THE TEMPTER, WOULD BE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF DIVINITY. IT WOULD BRING THE CONTROVERSY TO AN END.{DA 119.2}

“In taking the nature of man, Christ was not equal in appearance with the angels of Heaven, but this was one of the necessary humiliations that he willingly accepted when he became man’s Redeemer. SATAN URGED THAT IF HE WAS INDEED THE SON OF GOD he should give him some evidence of his exalted character. He suggested that God would not leave his Son in so deplorable a condition. HE DECLARED THAT ONE OF THE HEAVENLY ANGELS HAD BEEN EXILED TO EARTH, AND HIS APPEARANCE INDICATED THAT INSTEAD OF BEING THE KING OF HEAVEN, HE WAS THAT FALLEN ANGEL. He called attention to his own beautiful appearance, clothed with light and strength, and insultingly contrasted the wretchedness of Christ with his own glory.” {2SP 91.1}

“He claimed direct authority from Heaven to demand proof of Christ that he was the Son of God. He taunted him with being a poor representative of the angels, much less their high Commander, the acknowledged King in the royal courts; and insinuated that his present appearance indicated that he was forsaken of God and man. HE DECLARED THAT IF HE WERE THE SON OF GOD HE WAS EQUAL WITH GOD AND SHOULD EVIDENCE THIS by working a miracle to relieve his hunger. He then urged him to change the stone at his feet to bread, and AGREED THAT IF THIS WERE DONE HE WOULD AT ONCE YIELD HIS CLAIMS TO SUPERIORITY, AND THE CONTEST BETWEEN THE TWO SHOULD BE FOREVER ENDED.” {2SP 91.2}

“The statement is made that the devil believed and trembled. HE BELIEVED THAT CHRIST WAS THE SON OF GOD WHILE HE WAS IN HEAVEN….” {Ms5-1886.10}

Note: Lucifer Believed That Christ Was The Son of God While In Heaven. These inspired quotes help us to understand a core component of the great controversy. Lucifer tried to make the Son of God out to be a son of God like the angels were (sons by creation) instead of a Divine Son (a Son begotten). Please think about it. Did Jesus look anything like an angel here? Of course not! He looked like an emaciated human. So then why did satan say he looked like a fallen angel? It should be apparent that the enemy was going back to the original issue of the controversy! In the quotes above he tried to goad the Son of God into using His Divine power and breaking the plan of salvation by falsely claiming that if He did so then it would end the contest between them.

Lucifer Went To War Over The Matter of Christ Being The Only Begotten:

“CHRIST WAS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, AND LUCIFER, THAT GLORIOUS ANGEL, GOT UP A WARFARE OVER THE MATTER, until he had to be thrust down to the earth. {Ms86-1910 (August 21, 1910) par. 30}

Note: Here we are told explicitly that the “matter” that Lucifer went to war over was that Christ was “the only begotten Son of God.” Therefore it behooves us to understand this matter ourselves if we would be on the right side of the great controversy.

Lucifer Claimed he Must Be Above The Son of God:

“We had for years to meet this and were always carried back to the experience of the first departure from truth in the history of the fall of Lucifer from heaven. He occupied a special, exalted position in the heavenly courts. He must have no one higher than himself. He must be next to God in efficiency. BUT CHRIST WAS ABOVE HIM, AND HE CLAIMED HE MUST BE ABOVE CHRIST. CHRIST WAS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, UNITED WITH GOD. {Lt157-1910, par. 1}

Lucifer’s God given glory did not make him as God’s only-begotten Son:

“Lucifer was the most lovely being in all our world, but he fell from his high estate because the loveliness and glory he possessed (given of God), did not make himself [as God’s] only-begotten Son. He insinuated to the angels [that] there would be a change ere long in the heavenly courts. He would have the highest place. {Ms200-1903.4}

God the Father Told Lucifer This Was Impossible:

“The Lord bids me to say that there will be a most decided work done by these fallible men who claim infallibility, which is a most seductive error. I am instructed to say to you, All this holding to sentiments of infallibility is a specious device of the angel that was so exalted in the heavenly court. His beauty was so highly exalted that HE THOUGHT HE SHOULD BE AS GOD, AND CHRIST MUST BE SECOND TO HIM; BUT THE LORD INFORMED SATAN THIS COULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. CHRIST WAS HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. [Remainder missing.] {Lt157-1910, par. 7}

“At length all the angels are summoned to appear before the Father, to have each case decided. Satan unblushingly makes known to all the heavenly family, his discontent, that Christ should be preferred before him, to be in such close conference with God, and he be uninformed as to the result of their frequent consultations. GOD INFORMS SATAN THAT THIS HE CAN NEVER KNOW. THAT TO HIS SON WILL HE REVEAL HIS SECRET PURPOSES, AND THAT ALL THE FAMILY IN HEAVEN, SATAN NOT EXCEPTED, WERE REQUIRED TO YIELD IMPLICIT OBEDIENCE. Satan boldly speaks out his rebellion, and points to a large company who think God is unjust in not exalting him to be equal with God, and in not giving him command above Christ. HE DECLARES HE CANNOT SUBMIT TO BE UNDER CHRIST’S COMMAND, THAT GOD’S COMMANDS ALONE WILL HE OBEY. Good angels weep to hear the words of Satan, and to see how he despises to follow the direction of Christ, their exalted and loving commander. {3SG 37.3}

Satan rebels against Headship of Christ to be his own head:

“Satan is the originator of sin. In heaven he resolved to live to himself. He resolved to be leader. He determined to make himself a center of influence. If he could not be the highest authority in heaven, he would be the highest authority in rebellion against the government of heaven. HEAD HE WOULD BE, TO CONTROL, NOT TO BE CONTROLLED. {RH April 16, 1901 par. 1}

The fallen angels also tried to claim a place above the Son:

“The world is becoming more and more corrupt, and we have only a little time in which to work. We have it signalized in San Francisco, in the city that was nearly destroyed. Instead of this experience making them better, it seems that Satan’s agencies have more firmly taken possession of the whole city. It is a terrible thing. It makes our work, to express the value of the truth in practical godliness, tenfold harder, yes, a hundredfold harder, because it seems next to impossible to reach the people. And what does it mean? It means that WHEN THE ANGELS CAME TO CLAIM THE HIGHEST PLACE IN HEAVEN, ABOVE THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, it was not given to them. And because they did not receive it, there was war in heaven, and those that wanted a higher place, to crowd out Christ Jesus, were cast out of heaven because they would not repent and accept the rule of God; and they may be listening to me today.” {Ms84-1910 (April 23, 1910) par. 36}

Prior to his full blown rebellion the Son of God told Lucifer that God Himself had established the order of heaven:

“THE SON OF GOD presented before him the greatness, the goodness, and the justice of the Creator, and the sacred, unchanging nature of His law. GOD HIMSELF HAD ESTABLISHED THE ORDER OF HEAVEN; and in departing from it, Lucifer would dishonor his Maker and bring ruin upon himself. But the warning, given in infinite love and mercy, only aroused a spirit of resistance. Lucifer allowed his jealousy of Christ to prevail, and became the more determined.” {PP 35.3}

Satan tried to divorce fidelity to God from the law of God

“While claiming for himself perfect loyalty to God, he urged that changes in the order and laws of heaven were necessary for the stability of the divine government. {PP 38.2}

The loyal angels clearly set forth that He is the Son of God:

ANGELS THAT WERE LOYAL AND TRUE sought to reconcile this mighty, rebellious angel to the will of his Creator. They justified the act of God in conferring honor upon Jesus Christ, and with forcible reasoning sought to convince Satan that no less honor was his now than before the Father had proclaimed the honor which he had conferred upon his Son. THEY CLEARLY SET FORTH THAT JESUS WAS THE SON OF GOD, existing with him before the angels were created; and that he had ever stood at the right hand of God, and his mild, loving authority had not heretofore been questioned; and that he had given no commands but what it was joy for the heavenly host to execute…” {1SP 19.1}

The angels who were expelled from heaven tried to obscure the fact that Christ was the Only Begotten Son:

ANGELS WERE EXPELLED FROM HEAVEN because they would not work in harmony with God. They fell from their high estate because they wanted to be exalted. They had come to exalt themselves, and they forgot that their beauty of person and of character came from the Lord Jesus. THIS FACT THE ANGELS WOULD OBSCURE, THAT CHRIST WAS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, and they came to consider that they were not to consult Christ. ONE ANGEL BEGAN THE CONTROVERSY AND CARRIED IT ON UNTIL THERE WAS REBELLION IN THE HEAVENLY COURTS AMONG THE ANGELS. They were lifted up because of their beauty. {25LtMs, Lt 42, 1910, par. 3}

Note: Sister White tells us that the fallen angels wanted to obscure the “fact” that Christ was the only begotten Son of God. Again does this sound like metaphor or reality? The next point below will show you why they had to do this. It was necessary in order to make their rebellion seem justified.

Christ is the Son Begotten while the angels are all sons created:

“‘God so loved the world, that he gave HIS ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON,’-NOT A SON BY CREATION, AS WERE THE ANGELS, nor a son by adoption, as is the forgiven sinner, but A SON BEGOTTEN IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF THE FATHER’S PERSON, AND IN ALL THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS MAJESTY AND GLORY, one equal with God in authority, dignity, and divine perfection. In him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” {ST May 30, 1895, par. 3}

Note 1: As we have shown previously the Son was the “only begotten” before His incarnation. The quote above proves that the word “begotten” is not synonymous with “creation” for sister White tells us God’s only-begotten Son was NOT a Son by creation like the angels BUT a Son begotten. This is contrasting language and stands as a testimony against all who argue that believing in the pre-incarnate begotten Son of God is the same thing as believing that He was a created being. This is not the case. Inspiration is in harmony with the early SDA pioneer position on this matter.

Note 2: Some argue that the quote above is about the incarnation of the Son of God. In response to this argument we note that it is strange language to say that He was “not a son by creation, as were the angels” at this time because He actually did become a created son in His humanity. Mrs. White informs us:

His HUMAN NATURE WAS CREATED; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own…{Ms94-1893.4}

So again it seems a bit odd to use the language “not a son by creation, as were the angels” if in fact she was attempt to describe the occasion when “His human nature was created.”

Note 3: According to the quote above He was a Son begotten IN ALL the brightness of the Father’s majesty and glory. This brightness of God the Father’s majesty and glory appears to be speaking about both HIS OUTWARD RESEMBLANCE (physical features) and His character (spirituality). After the first quote below, which shows both aspects in the pre-incarnate Son, we will show quotes focusing on His physicality or form.

The Son of God in all His glory:

“The Son of God was next in authority to the great Lawgiver. He knew that His life alone could be sufficient to ransom fallen man. He was of as much more value than man as his noble, spotless character, and exalted office as commander of all the heavenly host, were above the work of man. HE WAS IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS FATHER, NOT IN FEATURES ALONE, BUT IN PERFECTION OF CHARACTER.{2SP 9.1}

“The apostle Paul speaks of our Mediator, THE ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, WHO IN A STATE OF GLORY WAS IN THE FORM OF GOD, the Commander of all the heavenly hosts, and who, when He clothed His divinity with humanity, took upon Him the form of a servant.” {1SM 243.2}

“BEFORE CHRIST CAME in the likeness of men, HE EXISTED IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS FATHER. He thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Nevertheless He voluntarily emptied himself, and took the form of a servant…{YI December 20, 1900, par. 4}

“The apostle would call our attention from ourselves to the Author of our salvation. He presents before us his two natures, divine and human. HERE IS THE DESCRIPTION OF THE DIVINE “Who, BEING IN THE FORM OF GOD, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” HE WAS “THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS GLORY, AND THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON.” {RH July 5, 1887, par. 3}

“BEFORE CHRIST LEFT HEAVEN AND CAME INTO THE WORLD to die, HE WAS TALLER any of the angels. HE WAS MAJESTIC AND LOVELY. But when his ministry commenced, he was but little taller than the common size of men then living upon the earth. HAD HE COME AMONG MEN WITH HIS NOBLE, HEAVENLY FORM, HIS OUTWARD APPEARANCE would have attracted the minds of the people to himself, and he would have been received without the exercise of faith. {2SP 39.2}

Note: Again many scholars today argue that the ST May 1895 quote is EGW talking about exclusively about the incarnation but let’s honestly ask ourselves a question. When the Son of God was begotten as an human was it “in ALL” the brightness of His Father’s glory and majesty? Or did He veil the outward expression, the physical aspects, of His brightness and glory? Let’s allow sister White to answer:

The Son divested Himself of His physical glory when entering this world:

“In the eyes of the world He possessed no beauty that they should desire Him; yet He was the incarnate God, the light of heaven and earth. HIS GLORY WAS VEILED, HIS GREATNESS AND MAJESTY WERE HIDDEN, that He might draw near to sorrowful, tempted men. {DA 23.2}

“Christ came, BUT NOT IN THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS DIVINE GLORY. He laid aside his royal robe and kingly crown, clothed his divinity with humanity, and came to live upon the earth as a man among men. HAD HE COME IN THE FULL POWER AND GLORY OF HIS DIVINITY, SINNERS COULD NOT HAVE STOOD IN HIS PRESENCE WITHOUT BEING DESTROYED. He came to meet humanity in its most sinful and corrupt form. Thus divine love was manifested toward erring mortals. {RH September 13, 1906, par. 5}

“IF STRONG MEN COULD NOT ENDURE THE PRESENCE OF THAT ONE GLORIOUS ANGEL, HOW MUCH LESS COULD CHRIST’S GLORY HAVE BEEN ENDURED! In order to make it possible for men to behold Him, His divinity was veiled. {Ms105-1901.9}

“WE COULD NOT BEHOLD THE GLORY OF GOD UNVEILED IN CHRIST AND LIVE; but as He came in the garb of humanity, we may draw nigh to our Redeemer. We are called upon to behold the Lord our Father in the person of His Son. Christ came in the robe of the flesh, WITH HIS GLORY SUBDUED in humanity, that lost man might communicate with Him and live. Through Christ we may comprehend something of Him who is glorious in holiness. Jesus is the mystic ladder by which we may mount to behold the glory of the infinite God. By faith we behold Christ standing between humanity and divinity, connecting God and man, and earth and heaven. {ST January 20, 1890, par. 5}

“…He voluntarily assumed human nature. It was His own act, and by His own consent. He clothed His divinity with humanity. He was all the while as God, but HE DID NOT APPEAR AS GOD. HE VEILED THE DEMONSTRATIONS OF DEITY, which had commanded the homage, and called forth the admiration, of the universe of God. He was God while upon earth, but HE DIVESTED HIMSELF OF THE FORM OF GOD, and in its stead took the form and fashion of a man. He walked the earth as a man. For our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. HE LAID ASIDE HIS GLORY AND MAJESTY. He was God, but THE GLORIES OF THE FORM OF GOD HE FOR A WHILE RELINQUISHED.{5BC 1126.8}

“Christ made it possible when He LAID ASIDE His royal robes, His royal crown, stepped down from His royal throne, clothed His divinity with humanity that humanity might touch humanity. HE COULD NOT WITH HIS GLORY AND MAJESTY TAKE HIS POSITION AMONG MEN. THE GLORY MUST BE LAID ASIDE. {RH January 7, 1902, Art. B, par. 2}

“Christ veiled His divinity beneath the garb of humanity. This was the only way in which He could approach men. Had He not done this, He could not have conversed with men, and gathered them around Him to hear the grand and elevating truths which were to be to them eternal life. IT WAS A PART OF THE PLAN THAT HE SHOULD HIDE THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS GLORY, that, during His earthly life, He should humble Himself to man’s estate. {ST July 7, 1898, par. 6}

“But Christ humbled Himself to come to this earth. THIS WAS THE HIDING OF HIS GLORY.{Ms37-1898 (March 10, 1898) par. 13}

“When Jesus left Heaven, and THERE LEFT HIS POWER AND GLORY, Satan exulted. He thought that the Son of God was placed in his power… {2Red 53.1}

“The Saviour of the world was the King of glory, and HE STRIPPED HIMSELF OF HIS GLORIOUS OUTWARD ADORNING, accepting poverty, that He might understand how the poor are treated in this world… {SWK 85.1}

“But although CHRIST’S DIVINE GLORY WAS FOR A TIME VEILED AND ECLIPSED BY HIS ASSUMING HUMANITY, yet He did not cease to be God when He became man…. {ST May 10, 1899, par. 11}

“This symbol, OBSCURING THE MANIFESTATION OF GOD’S GLORY, FORESHADOWED CHRIST’S APPEARANCE IN OUR WORLD, his divinity clothed with humanity…{YI December 20, 1900, par. 3}”The Saviour of the world was the King of glory, and HE STRIPPED HIMSELF OF HIS GLORIOUS OUTWARD ADORNING, accepting poverty, that He might understand how the poor are treated in this world… {SWK 85.1}

“CHRIST COULD NOT HAVE COME TO THIS EARTH WITH THE GLORY THAT HE HAD IN THE HEAVENLY COURTS Sinful human beings could not have borne the sight. He veiled His divinity with the garb of humanity, but He did not part with His divinity…. {RH June 15, 1905, par. 12}

“HAD CHRIST COME IN HIS DIVINE FORM, HUMANITY COULD NOT HAVE ENDURED THE SIGHT. The contrast would have been too painful, THE GLORY TOO OVERWHELMING. Humanity could not have endured the presence of one of the pure, bright angels from glory; therefore Christ took not on Him the nature of angels; He came in the likeness of men. {5BC 1131.1}

“The King of glory stooped low to take humanity. Rude and forbidding were His earthly surroundings. HIS GLORY WAS VEILED, THAT THE MAJESTY OF HIS OUTWARD FORM MIGHT NOT BECOME AN OBJECT OF ATTRACTION…{CSA 5.3}

“Christ’s words and acts while He was on earth were a revelation of divine truth. They gave evidence that He had come direct from the most excellent glory; BUT THE GLORY ITSELF WAS CONCEALED.” {ST December 14, 1904, par. 1}

“Jesus Christ, the Majesty of Heaven, was not discerned in the disguise of humanity. He was the divine teacher sent from God, the glorious treasure given to humanity. He was fairer than the sons of men, but HIS MATCHLESS GLORY WAS HIDDEN under a cover of poverty and suffering. HE VEILED HIS GLORY in order that divinity might touch humanity,…(Youth Instructor, August 22, 1895 par. 4)

“The Son of the infinite God came to this earth, and honoured it with His presence. HE EMPTIED HIMSELF OF HIS GLORY, and clothed His divinity with humanity, that humanity might touch humanity, and reveal to fallen man the perfect love of God…{BEcho January 14, 1901, par. 9}

“Christ, the Light of the world, VEILED THE DAZZLING SPLENDOR OF HIS DIVINITY came to live as a man among men, that they might, without being consumed, become acquainted with their Creator. No man has seen God at any time except as He is revealed through Christ. {8T 265.2}

“Our sufficiency is found only in the death and incarnation of the Son of God. BY VOLUNTARILY DIVESTING HIMSELF OF HIS GLORY assuming human nature that could suffer and be looked upon by the whole of the heavenly universe, He could suffer, sustained by divinity… {Ms131-1897.4}

Note 4: Finally we add the following quotations from early SDA pioneers. A careful reader will note the verbatim language seen in Mrs. White’s ST May 30, 1895 quote. Mrs. White frequently used literary borrowing and these are the likely sources behind her quote, particularly Waggoner’s quote. This is more evidence that she believed that the pre-incarnate Son of God was literally begotten.

SDA pioneer quotes:

…A son always rightfully takes the name of the father; and Christ, as “the only begotten Son of God,” has rightfully the same name. A son, also, is, to a greater or less degree, a reproduction of the father; he has, to some extent, the features and personal characteristics of his father; not perfectly, because there is no perfect reproduction among mankind. But there is no imperfection in God, or in any of His works; and so Christ is the “express image” of the Father’s person. Heb. 1:3. As the Son of the self-existent God, He has by nature all the attributes of Deity.

“It is true that there are many sons of God; but Christ is the “only begotten Son of God,” and therefore the Son of God in a sense in which no other being ever was or ever can be. The angels are sons of God, as was Adam (Job 38:7; Luke 3:38), by creation; Christians are the sons of God by adoption (Rom. 8:14, 15); but Christ is the Son of God by birth. (E. J. Waggoner “Christ and His Righteousness pg 12, 1890)

“According to this, Jesus Christ is begotten of God in a sense that no other being is; else he could not be his only begotten Son. Angels are called sons of God, and so are righteous men; but Christ is his Son in a higher sense, in a closer relation, that either of these. God made men and angels out of materials already created. He is the author of their existence, their Creator, hence their Father. But Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father’s own substance. He was not created out of material as the angels and other creatures were. He is truly and emphatically the “Son of God,” the same as I am the son of my father. This will appear more plain as we proceed” (D.M. Canright, RH June 18, 1867)

Before we move on with more EGW quotes let’s review:

1) Inspiration uses the word “begotten” in a way that differentiates it from “creation.” Thus it is not a contradiction to believe that the Son of God is literally begotten yet not a creation. He is begotten of the uncreated God’s substance and thus has all the same attributes as His Father. His life is the unbroken continuity of the life of God, not a new life spoken into existence like an angel or breathed into existence like a man.

2) We have seen that Christ was God’s only-begotten Son before His incarnation and this truth was a special point of satanic obfuscation. If satan sought to obscure it then it follows that he would be working hard to keep this same truth obscured today as well. Other heresies enter in through unbegotten theology too but I cannot get into them now.

3) Before His incarnation Christ was in all the brightness of the Father’s glory and majesty in both a physical and spiritual sense. His outward resemblance and character were both the glory of His Father.

4) When the Son of God became a son of man He was not begotten in all the brightness of His Father’s glory and majesty, that would have destroyed sinful humanity. He no longer shone with all His glory and majesty as a regular feature of His person but He looked just like other men. He was, however, still the brightness of the glory of God in terms of His character.

5) EGW uses the same language as the SDA pioneers who held that the pre-incarnte Son of God was begotten. It is arguable, however, that she differs from them in terms of timing but she never repudiated begotten theology.

Let’s continue on with some more quotes:

The Son of God was “made” in the express image of the Father:

“The Eternal Father, the unchangeable one, gave his only begotten Son, tore from his bosom HIM WHO WAS MADE IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON, and sent him down to earth to reveal how greatly he loved mankind. {RH July 9, 1895, par. 13}

Note: When we compare this quote to the ST May 30, 1895 quote we see that “begotten” and “made” are being used as synonyms.

“Jesus WAS MADE ONE WITH GOD. His exaltation created envy and jealousy in Satan’s heart. Satan insisted that God had not dealt with him justly. He criticized God’s plan of government. He declared the divine law to be arbitrary, detrimental to the interests of the heavenly universe, and in need of change. {Ms1-1902.2}

Christ was “assimilated” to the image of God:

“Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in the heavenly courts next to Jesus Christ, but Christ was one with God, ASSIMILATED TO THE IMAGE OF GOD to do the will of God. Satan, knowing that Christ had the first place next to God, began to insinuate to the angels that he should be next to God…. {Ms90-1910.4}

Note: This is a statement of the pre-incarnate Christ. Notice that Christ was “assimilated” to God’s image. To assimilate means “to bring to a likeness; to cause to resemble; to convert into like substance.”

It pleased the Father that all the fullness should dwell in His pre-incarnate Son:

“God is love.” His matchless love for fallen man, expressed in the gift of his beloved Son, amazed the holy angels. Christ was the heir of all things, by whom also the worlds were made. He was the brightness of the Father’s glory, and the “express image of his person.” He upheld “all things by the word of his power.” In himself he possessed divine excellence and greatness; FOR IT PLEASED THE FATHER THAT IN HIM ALL FULLNESS SHOULD DWELL. And Christ “thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” YET he “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” {BEcho January 1, 1887, par. 2}

Note: Read that paragraph carefully. EGW is clearly speaking about Christ in His pre-incarnate state because after her descriptions she says “yet” (meaning despite these things) “he made himself of no reputation…” Thus when we read that “it pleased the Father that in Him all fullness should dwell” we are talking about the reality of His pre-incarnate existence. And please notice the conjunction “for” here. It connects the previous clause by way of explanation. It is similar in meaning to words like “because” or “since.” (i.e. he was tired from the trip for he had been forced to march 20 miles). This passage actually supports the idea that the pre-incarnate Son possessing Divine excellence and greatness is a result of God the Father’s will! It sounds to me like God the Father is the One responsible for the fullness being in His Son.

Christ was the first begotten of the Father:

The writer of these words plainly shows that Jesus Christ is one with the Father. Christ is called the Word. HE IS THE FIRST-BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER. By Him God has spoken unto us in these last days. {Ms111-1903.3}

Christ was the first begotten of God:

“Satan has made men and women his prisoners, and claims them as his subjects. When Christ saw that there was no human being able to be man’s intercessor, He Himself entered the fierce conflict and battled with Satan. THE FIRST BEGOTTEN OF GOD was the only One who could liberate those who by Adam’s sin had been brought in subjection to Satan. {Ms125-1901.68}

Christ was the first born of heaven:

“The dedication of the first-born had its origin in the earliest times. God had promised to give THE FIRST-BORN OF HEAVEN to save the sinner. This gift was to be acknowledged in every household by the consecration of the first-born son. He was to be devoted to the priesthood, as a representative of Christ among men. {DA 51.1}

“Christ is the star that should arise out of Jacob, and the one in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed, as THE FIRST BORN OF HEAVEN, and the ONLY BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER, filled with all the treasures of eternity. {Lt101, Feb 17, 1896}

The Son of God was a part of God Himself:

“Though sin had produced a gulf between man and his God, divine benevolence provided a plan to bridge that gulf. AND WHAT MATERIAL DID HE USE? A PART OF HIMSELF. The brightness of the Father’s glory came to a world all seared and marred with the curse, and in His own divine character, IN HIS OWN DIVINE BODY, bridged the gulf and opened a channel of communication between God and man. The windows of heaven were opened, and the showers of heavenly grace in healing streams came to our benighted world. O what love, what matchless, inexpressible love! {Lt36a-1890.11}

The Son claimed to be “of one substance” with His Father.

“…Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” The words of Christ were full of deep meaning as he put forth the claim that HE AND THE FATHER WERE OF ONE SUBSTANCE, possessing the same attributes.{ST November 27, 1893, par. 5}

The pre-incarnate Son of God was brought forth:

“Through Solomon CHRIST DECLARED “The Lord possessed Me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I WAS BROUGHT FORTH; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills WAS I BROUGHT FORTH…. When He gave to the sea His decree, that the waters should not pass His commandment; when He appointed the foundations of the earth; then I was by Him, as one brought up with Him; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.” {ST August 29, 1900, par. 14}

“The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, EXISTED FROM ETERNITY, a distinct person, yet one with the Father. He was the surpassing glory of heaven. He was the commander of the heavenly intelligences, and the adoring homage of the angels was received by him as his right. This was no robbery of God. “The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way,” HE DECLARES, “before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I WAS BROUGHT FORTH; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills WAS I BROUGHT FORTH; while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth.” {RH April 5, 1906, par. 7}


The quotes above demonstrate that EGW taught that the pre-incaranate Son of God was begotten of His Father. This is why 1 Person of the Godhead is the Father and the Other is the only-begotten Son. The evidence suggests to this author that this is not role-playing, metaphor, covenant language, or preemptive prophetic terminology but an ontological reality. Sister White never explicitly repudiated the common belief in her day and she did not lead the church into unbegotten theology (contrary to the scholarly opinion of some today). In fact, for decades after her death numerous church leaders maintained that the pre-incarnate Son of God was begotten of the Father (documented elsewhere). In her theology the great controversy actually began over the matter of His Sonship and those seeking to obscure the fact that He was the only-begotten were the apostate angels. Unfortunately, this same truth is now being obscured within Seventh-day Adventism. This was not always the case and I believe that the church needs to reexamine the teaching of inspiration and return to the true foundation regarding God and His Son. I will share more on these matters as I have time. Until then I am yours in Christ Jesus. Maranatha! His return is very soon!



The Omega of Apostasy

The Omega of Apostasy: A spiritualization hermeneutic and making of no effect the Testimony of Jesus via Ellen White. 

 What do I mean by

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Monogenes Huios: The Only Begotten Son

There has been an ongoing debate between myself and a SDA pastor about the proper meaning of the Greek word “monogenes.” He has claimed that its true meaning, one that it supposedly always meant up until the 4th century AD, is “only one of its kind, or unique.”

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Examining Psalm 2

Hello brothers and sisters. I hope you had a wonderful Sabbath. Today I would like to share some thoughts on Psalm 2. I believe this chapter of Scripture is greatly misunderstood by many.

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Was Made

“The Eternal Father, the unchangeable one, GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, tore from his bosom HIM WHO WAS MADE IN THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON, and sent him down to earth to reveal how greatly he loved mankind. {RH July 9, 1895, par. 13}

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2 Responses

  1. After reading several articles by the author Jason Smith, this man sees that the clear truth must be shared with our fellow Adventists who are deceived by the false teachings of our leadership. This truth must be shared in love, and while we are seeking to enter into the kingdom of glory, we must be mindful that no matter how much knowledge we may possess of God’s truth, if Jesus in His divine presence is not abiding in our hearts, making us His new creation, then all the knowledge will be vain. The perfection of the remnant saints and cleansing of the sanctuary will only happen when all our sins are put away by the power of Jesus as we resist all temptation to evil and the unholy desires of our fallen flesh. May this soon be our experience so that we can receive the "refreshing" that we wait for … Shalom

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